Chili peppers from seed

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Chili peppers from seed

Post by Fridaywithmateo »

I have a little veranda garden going and sprouted some chili pepper seed from some chilis bought at the market. They have been in flower for more than a month and still no fruit. Are chilis here GMO/sterile ... or are there just not enough bugs to pollinate due to all the mosquito straying? Thoughts anybody?
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Re: Chili peppers from seed

Post by sigmoid »

Fridaywithmateo wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:53 am I have a little veranda garden going and sprouted some chili pepper seed from some chilis bought at the market. They have been in flower for more than a month and still no fruit. Are chilis here GMO/sterile ... or are there just not enough bugs to pollinate due to all the mosquito straying? Thoughts anybody?
I had a similar experience with cherry tomatoes grown from seedlings on my balcony in Kampot. The plants thrived and flowered, but in the end after a long wait, there were only about five fruit.

I also figured that maybe it was a pollination problem due to lack of insects. Or, perhaps they just don't do well in pots or there is too much sunlight as my apartment is facing east. I switched to mint, which seems to be doing ok. I'm keeping it in the shade as much as possible.
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Re: Chili peppers from seed

Post by Chuck Borris »

No bees,
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Re: Chili peppers from seed

Post by Username Taken »

I know you won't believe me, but that's not my problem.
Throw a hand full of fresh ash from the barbecue in the pot. Obviously not hot ash, but it must be fresh, and not rained upon.

Come back in a few months and tell me I'm wrong.
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Re: Chili peppers from seed

Post by Tootsfriend »

Same results here. I've been a successful vegi gardener all my life, but in Cambodia the success rate is very low , except for the time when I was buying cow dung and old straw from the village to grow veg. The soil / potting mix you can buy here is a big part of the problem.
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Re: Chili peppers from seed

Post by Harold69 »

Only one hobby, growing things? Why not take up beekeeping at the same time? I don't eat honey, but sell or even give the honey away!
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Re: Chili peppers from seed

Post by Kammekor »

Fridaywithmateo wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:53 am I have a little veranda garden going and sprouted some chili pepper seed from some chilis bought at the market. They have been in flower for more than a month and still no fruit. Are chilis here GMO/sterile ... or are there just not enough bugs to pollinate due to all the mosquito straying? Thoughts anybody?
I don't think they're sterile, but it is possible.

Lack of water? Unless the plant is in a really large pot I doubt there's enough water for the chilli's to grow.
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Re: Chili peppers from seed

Post by Doc67 »

sigmoid wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2024 8:50 pm
Fridaywithmateo wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:53 am I have a little veranda garden going and sprouted some chili pepper seed from some chilis bought at the market. They have been in flower for more than a month and still no fruit. Are chilis here GMO/sterile ... or are there just not enough bugs to pollinate due to all the mosquito straying? Thoughts anybody?
I had a similar experience with cherry tomatoes grown from seedlings on my balcony in Kampot. The plants thrived and flowered, but in the end after a long wait, there were only about five fruit.

I also figured that maybe it was a pollination problem due to lack of insects. Or, perhaps they just don't do well in pots or there is too much sunlight as my apartment is facing east. I switched to mint, which seems to be doing ok. I'm keeping it in the shade as much as possible.
I had the same experience with cherry tomatoes. Sprouted, grew big and covered in flowers. I was very excited. I waited and waited and got 2 sodding tomatoes in total; the flowers just withered and died.

It might be something to do with the light, there are constantly 12 hours a day and that is not right for tomatoes to fruit, that's equinox time of year, ~March 20, not fruiting time which is high summer (late June)with 18 hours a day and then a shortening of the daylight to trigger them into making fruit. It's just a thought. Plus the humidity etc.
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Re: Chili peppers from seed

Post by Fridaywithmateo »

All I know is Flower = baby ... 50 years growing ... this situation is not normal!
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Re: Chili peppers from seed

Post by Kammekor »

Doc67 wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:10 am
sigmoid wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2024 8:50 pm
Fridaywithmateo wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:53 am I have a little veranda garden going and sprouted some chili pepper seed from some chilis bought at the market. They have been in flower for more than a month and still no fruit. Are chilis here GMO/sterile ... or are there just not enough bugs to pollinate due to all the mosquito straying? Thoughts anybody?
I had a similar experience with cherry tomatoes grown from seedlings on my balcony in Kampot. The plants thrived and flowered, but in the end after a long wait, there were only about five fruit.

I also figured that maybe it was a pollination problem due to lack of insects. Or, perhaps they just don't do well in pots or there is too much sunlight as my apartment is facing east. I switched to mint, which seems to be doing ok. I'm keeping it in the shade as much as possible.
I had the same experience with cherry tomatoes. Sprouted, grew big and covered in flowers. I was very excited. I waited and waited and got 2 sodding tomatoes in total; the flowers just withered and died.

It might be something to do with the light, there are constantly 12 hours a day and that is not right for tomatoes to fruit, that's equinox time of year, ~March 20, not fruiting time which is high summer (late June)with 18 hours a day and then a shortening of the daylight to trigger them into making fruit. It's just a thought. Plus the humidity etc.
I had cherry tomatoes in a large pot. Out of five, three died. I think the 42 degrees in the afternoon was just too much. Will try again in rainy season.
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