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6 Cambodian Inmates Escape from Ratanakiri Prison, At Large

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:00 am
by General Mackevili
Jeez, Cambodia is swarming with wanted fugitives at the moment. I count 8, including Michael Edward Harris from the USA and the female driver of the SUV that and killed the Irishman. Maybe 9, counting governor Bandit that shot those girls protesting.

Anyways, these convicts are on the lose, and they were organized enough to have a getaway vehicle. That wouldn't be too hard, as we already know that you can make phone calls and play Facebook from inside Cambodian prisons.


Google Translate:

Ratanakiri: 6 people in the same room prisoners act infertility chamrungobangauoch escaped from prison in Ratanakiri than 3 o'clock in the morning on 23 October 2014.

The correspondent Santhepheap quoted cops and witnesses said that before the incident, there has been a car break down himself in the half not, recognize number plates a derived parked nearby Tax prison they suspect that the car is likely to be linked with the transport of prisoners both in 06 people after the act feel chamrungobangauoch that already.

Prisoners 06 people, mostly related offenses stolen include names Chan friendly (stealing, and this was once stolen from prison often and take also often too), Phan Sopheak (stolen), the second Hanoi (violence), clear Sareth (stealing), Un Chan Thou (stolen) and LIM that (drug).

Now the cops are back and seem like liquid needle into the sea because this activity seems to have a forward-looking plan. Santhepheap not immediately available for comment yet from leaders jailed province in the morning of 23 October.

តែមួយ បានធ្វើសកម្មភាព អារចម្រឹងបង្អួច រត់ចេញពីពន្ធនាគារ ខេត្តរតនគិរី កាលពីម៉ោង ជាង៣ទៀបភ្លឺ ថ្ងៃទី២៣ តុលា ២០១៤ ។

បើតាមអ្នកឆ្លើយឆ្លង ព័ត៌មានកោះសន្តិភាព បានស្រង់សម្តីសមត្ថកិច្ច និងសាក្សី ឱ្យដឹងថា មុនពេលកើតហេតុ គេឃើញមានរថយន្តមួយបំាងកន្លះ អត់ស្គាល់ស្លាកលេខមួយគ្រឿង បានមកចតក្បែរពន្ឋនាគារ ដែលគេសង្ស័យថា រថយន្តនេះទំនងជា មានការពាក់ព័ន្ឋ នឹងការដឹកជញ្ជូន អ្នកទោសទំាង០៦នាក់ បន្ទាប់ពីធ្វើសកម្មភាព អារចម្រឹងបង្អួចនោះរួច ។

អ្នកទោស០៦នាក់ ដែលភាគច្រើនពាក់ព័ន្ឋ បទល្មើសលួចរួមមាន ឈ្មោះ ចាន់ សារួស (បទល្មើសលួច ហើយ ជននេះធ្លាប់លួចចេញពីគុក ញឹកញាប់ និងចាប់បាន ក៍ញឹកញាប់ដែរ ) , ផាន់ សុភ័ក្រ (លួច ) , ទី ណូយ (ហិង្សា) , លាស់ សារ៉េត (លួច ) , អ៊ុន ចាន់ធូ (លួច) និង លឹម ស៊ីថា (គ្រឿងញៀន ) ។
នៅពេលនេះ សមត្ថកិច្ចកំពុងតាមចាប់មកវិញហើយ តែទំនងជាដូចរាវម្ជុលក្នុងសមុទ្រ ព្រោះសកម្មភាពនេះ ហាក់មានផែនការទុកមុន ។ កោះសន្តិភាព មិនអាចរកការសុំអត្ថាធិប្បាយភ្លាមៗ នៅឡើយទេ ពីថ្នាក់ដឹកនំាពន្ឋនាគារ ខេត្តរតនគិរី នៅព្រឹកថ្ងៃទី២៣ តុលានេះ ៕

Re: 6 Cambodian Inmates Escape from Ratanakiri Prison, At La

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:07 pm
by General Mackevili

They've caught 1.

One Escaped Prisoner Captured; Five Still on the Loose

n inmate who escaped with five others in a jailbreak from Ratanakkiri Provincial Prison last week was captured by police on Friday in Kratie province, officials said Sunday.

Police received a tip on Friday that one of the inmates, Sy Noy, 35, was staying at a guesthouse in Kratie province’s Chhlong district, said Tith Sakhoeun, Ratanakkiri’s deputy provincial police chief in charge of serious crimes.

“We have an [informant] network that led us to take action,” he said.

Mr. Sakhoueun added that his department cooperated with Kratie provincial police, who arrested Mr. Noy at 10 p.m. in the Hanchey Buon guesthouse in Hanchey commune.

The six inmates escaped on Thursday in a predawn breakout in which they used hacksaws to cut through the iron bars that covered their cell window and pincers to cut through a chicken-wire fence around the prison’s perimeter.

The five prisoners still at large are Chan Saros, Ouk Chanthou, Lim Sitha, Las Sareth and Un Sopheap.

After questioning the captured inmate, Mr. Sakhoeun said police determined Mr. Saros, who is serving time for robbery, was the mastermind of the escape plan. He added that police still do not know how the prisoners acquired the hacksaws and pincers.

“It is possible they got them from outside since they had contact with others outside,” Mr. Sakhoeun said, adding that inmates have regular access to a phone for calling..... link to continue reading... ... ose-71007/