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Any Experiences With Singaporeans Of Chinese Origin?

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 5:12 pm
by Josh_76
Is it me or have they perfected the art of saying one thing but meaning the opposite in social situations with non-Chinese?

You bond over a topic, there's no doubt that both sides mean it and offers are made, in the 1st example to exchange email addresses (not initiated by myself) and in the 2nd, to meet - again not by me). However, if you actually write to the email address or actually try to connect to meet you get no response. It's very confusing.

As it has transpired that after my visits in the past, I will soon spend more time there and as this will be focused in the same place that sees few non-Chinese, will have to interact with many more S.-C.'s.

Can anyone enlighten me about how to navigate the treacherous waters of social interactions as a non-Chinese there?
