Mans Mission of Hope in Cambodia - Ratanak International - Human Trafficking

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David Gordon
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Mans Mission of Hope in Cambodia - Ratanak International - Human Trafficking

Post by David Gordon »

A B.C. man's mission of hope in Cambodia, helping human trafficking survivors
By Michele Brunoro
Published: January 08, 2025 at 8:32PM EST
In Cambodia, a former RCMP officer has spent decades helping sex trafficking victims. CTV News brings you part three of an in-depth series.
Content Warning: This story may be disturbing to some readers.

Part of the series Hidden in plain sight: Human trafficking and the B.C. connection
The bustling Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh is a city filled with street markets and tuk tuks.

It’s a place where the gaps between poverty and wealth stand in sharp contrast.

And it’s here that a side road brings you to a building with a very Canadian connection.

It’s the home of Ratanak International, founded by Brian McConaghy of Delta, B.C.

“This is an environment that is safe for them,” said McConaghy, a retired B.C. RCMP officer who has spent decades helping survivors in Cambodia flee modern-day slavery.

Ratanak is a refuge for traumatized women and teens who’ve just escaped a life of sex trafficking.

“They escape by jumping from moving cars, pretending to be ill so they can be taken to hospital,” he explained.
More: ... survivors/
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good Men to do nothing. Sir Edmund Burke.

- Stay classy na
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