If you had a movie to make....

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If you had a movie to make....

Post by Ghostwriter »

...What would be the book / novel / story you would love to see adapted into a movie / serie ?
Maybe a video game, maybe a music album ? It has been done too, sometime successfully...
Imagine you're rich enough to throw as much money as needed in such a project, without caring for benefits or fame, just for your pleasure.

I just downloaded The Martian Chronicles (Ray Bradbury) novels adapted into a mini-serie (with Rock Hudson, 1980) because i'm fond of the book since decades, and fond of the author's other books and novels (call me a romantic simpleton if you wish ^^, i'm a golden age speculative fiction fan since ever, between other things), it's cheesy and dated as fuck, but i can imagine how good it could be to be re-adapted with the technical skills of nowadays...even if it would fail to be a blockbuster, it still deserve to be done in my opinion, for the sake of adapting such a masterpiece with convincing visuals. But who still cares in 2023, right ?

mmmh, nice jacket and make-up...i bet martians still listen to disco ^^

Not a worse plan than coming back every decade with new adaptations of lame stories a la Superman etc with enormous budgets and little posterity anyway, single-use-movies (one time watch then forget about it until next rinse & repeat production, at best).

Most movies now are pretty shite, and i'm tired of all the gimmicks and gratuitous violence from the average opportunistic movie-making diaspora. Fortunately there is still some good stuff, here and there, but very little compared to the whole quantity of them.

Any ideas ?
No need to mention anyone's mother into a porn movie you little scumbags, i doubt it would be as good as what's already available on the web anyway, so, that joke is done, and move on ^^
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Re: If you had a movie to make....

Post by Alex »

I'd go for a remake of Titanic, in South Park style.
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Re: If you had a movie to make....

Post by Freightdog »

As much as I generally liked the Peter Jackson movies, I’ve always been a bit disappointed with Lord of the Rings, more so the Hobbit, and the latest Amazon thing.
A Howard Hughes, no expense spared, but with rational input so that it had half a chance of being finished
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Re: If you had a movie to make....

Post by Freightdog »

Where Two Rivers meet
A tale of intrigue, tedium, paranoia and passion among the disparate community of expats from all over the world. Days of our lives meets Friends, filmed in the style of Casablanca.
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Re: If you had a movie to make....

Post by David Gordon »

I wish some of my dreams could be recorded they are so absolutely entertaining sometimes I want to go back to sleep to see how they end.
Stay classy na
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Re: If you had a movie to make....

Post by Spigzy »

David Gordon wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:01 am I wish some of my dreams could be recorded they are so absolutely entertaining sometimes I want to go back to sleep to see how they end.
Tell me about it - I had one just the other night about having lunch with Warren Buffett & Bill Gates & talking about investments, but all my stupid mind in my dream could come up with was to try and get a selfie with Warren & the old codger wouldn't sit still! :D Bonkers. I write them down if they are good ones, got some real specials going back years that I can also "redo" if I think hard enough before I nod off.

Back on topic; I'd make "Esptein's List" - a black & white movie with a tragic soundtrack. All the visitors in smart uniforms & debonair, whilst Ghislaine Maxwell meanders in and out of the plot in red.
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Re: If you had a movie to make....

Post by Ghostwriter »

Some good ideas there...
This forum hosts as much tripping balls creatives as any hollywood writer' s club...
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Re: If you had a movie to make....

Post by truffledog »

David Gordon wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:01 am I wish some of my dreams could be recorded they are so absolutely entertaining sometimes I want to go back to sleep to see how they end.
I completely second that. I`m sure we all had crazy dreams over the years.
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Re: If you had a movie to make....

Post by xandreu »

Alex wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 8:58 am I'd go for a remake of Titanic, in South Park style.
They did remake it, in 3D. Yet they still hit the f'king iceberg.
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Re: If you had a movie to make....

Post by Private Nuts »

Unwanted homeless dog who is always hanging around at cricket training, gets called up to put on the pads as the 12th man, when the bully, who's always throwing things at the dog for fun, gets hit in the nuts by a fast bowler after forgetting to put his box on. Dog then hits a 6 on the final ball of the game to win the championship and after being thrown in n the air several times by his teammates as the hero he then goes and marks his territory by pissing on the bully cricket bag. The end.
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