Poll: are you interested in politics?

Yeah, that place out 'there'. Anything not really Cambodia related should go here.

Are you political or politically minded?

Poll ended at Sat Oct 16, 2021 11:15 am

Total votes: 32
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Re: Poll: are you interested in politics?

Post by Bitte_Kein_Lexus »

Big Daikon wrote:
Bitte_Kein_Lexus wrote: Sun Aug 08, 2021 2:23 pm Mostly libertarian (90%+) and thus to the right, but with some oddly left-leaning beliefs. For example, education and healthcare should be free or close to it. Not because I'm a socialist, but because I think it makes for a more level economic playing field. This automatically would put me at odds of most Republicans, for example.
Many Americans hold political positions that are a combination of Dem and Rep. Pity we don't have more political options.
That's why I'm always amazed that the UD somehow ended with only two parties when there are so many differing views. I don't many if any other modern democracy only has two viable parties in federal elections.
Ex Bitteeinbit/LexusSchmexus
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Big Daikon
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Re: Poll: are you interested in politics?

Post by Big Daikon »

Bitte_Kein_Lexus wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 1:20 pm
Big Daikon wrote:
Bitte_Kein_Lexus wrote: Sun Aug 08, 2021 2:23 pm Mostly libertarian (90%+) and thus to the right, but with some oddly left-leaning beliefs. For example, education and healthcare should be free or close to it. Not because I'm a socialist, but because I think it makes for a more level economic playing field. This automatically would put me at odds of most Republicans, for example.
Many Americans hold political positions that are a combination of Dem and Rep. Pity we don't have more political options.
That's why I'm always amazed that the UD somehow ended with only two parties when there are so many differing views. I don't many if any other modern democracy only has two viable parties in federal elections.
The US used to have more parties and there's a messy history behind it all. Mostly, big money gets thrown at the two parties and so that is that.

Third party guys like Sanders and Paul joined the two biggies when they made presidential runs.
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Jerry Atrick
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Re: Poll: are you interested in politics?

Post by Jerry Atrick »

I try to be somewhat apolitical, as anytime that I invest time and energy into political thought I just end up making myself quite impotently angry, and I have seen people from all over the world who I consider as friends fall out over some silly ideologue one or another has adopted as part of their persona that week

I come from a corrupt banana republic, which may have coloured my perception; so I'm in the IDGAF bracket above and just want to look after me and mine

I did do one of those political compass things and it put me squarely in the "Union of Egotists"

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Big Daikon
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Re: Poll: are you interested in politics?

Post by Big Daikon »

Jerry Atrick wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 2:46 pm I have seen people from all over the world who I consider as friends fall out over some silly ideologue one or another has adopted as part of their persona that week.
2016-17, I had several friends block me on FB over politics. People I had known for 10+ years, friends from my childhood, etc.

Haidt (2012) documented the split in American politics. We don't just disagree, we view the other side as evil.

Sad in some ways, natural in others.
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