UK News, Updates and Discussion

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Re: UK News, Updates and Discussion

Post by newkidontheblock »

Phnom Poon wrote:
Doc67 wrote: Wed Sep 09, 2020 3:07 pm Got a source? I'm interested in that. Might be why Cambodia escaped the worst of it. ... 6020302764
Of 50 patients treated with calcifediol, one required admission to the ICU (2%), while of 26 untreated patients, 13 required admission (50%) p value X2 Fischer test p < 0.001.
From the Journal of Biochemistry.

Not a medical journal. And as the authors state, a pilot study. But why did countries similar to Cambodia, lots of sun, population mostly outdoors, get hit hard?

I think the world is holding a collective breath for a vaccine or vaccines to arrive.
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Re: UK News, Updates and Discussion

Post by atst »

If you don't test you don't have that's Cambodia
I'm standing up, so I must be straight.
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Re: UK News, Updates and Discussion

Post by CEOCambodiaNews »

Boris Johnson's 'Covid marshals' plan criticised as shambolic
Councils in England say they have been given no money towards plan and few details of how to enforce it since its announcement
Thu 10 Sep 2020 18.20 BST

Boris Johnson’s plan to set up local teams of “Covid marshals” to enforce coronavirus rules preventing large groups of people gathering in private and public spaces has been criticised as confusing and shambolic by local authorities.

Councils in England, which the government said would be expected to employ teams of marshals at their own expense, said they had received no warning from government about the announcement, and had been given little detail since about what was expected of them.

“Bearing in mind the government is introducing the new rules from Monday, they have given us no indication of additional resources, no staff, no powers of enforcement and no time to prepare people for the roles or carry out security checks. It is serial incompetence,” said Nick Forbes, the leader of Newcastle city council.

“We have been given no idea of how many marshals will be needed, how they will be deployed, or how incidents will be reported. Are marshals expected to knock on people’s doors or enter people’s gardens to break up gatherings of more than six people? Are marshals being asked to break up illegal dinner parties?” ... ic-england
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Re: UK News, Updates and Discussion

Post by Doc67 »

CEOCambodiaNews wrote: Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:43 am Boris Johnson's 'Covid marshals' plan criticised as shambolic
Councils in England say they have been given no money towards plan and few details of how to enforce it since its announcement
Thu 10 Sep 2020 18.20 BST

Boris Johnson’s plan to set up local teams of “Covid marshals” to enforce coronavirus rules preventing large groups of people gathering in private and public spaces has been criticised as confusing and shambolic by local authorities.

Councils in England, which the government said would be expected to employ teams of marshals at their own expense, said they had received no warning from government about the announcement, and had been given little detail since about what was expected of them.

“Bearing in mind the government is introducing the new rules from Monday, they have given us no indication of additional resources, no staff, no powers of enforcement and no time to prepare people for the roles or carry out security checks. It is serial incompetence,” said Nick Forbes, the leader of Newcastle city council.

“We have been given no idea of how many marshals will be needed, how they will be deployed, or how incidents will be reported. Are marshals expected to knock on people’s doors or enter people’s gardens to break up gatherings of more than six people? Are marshals being asked to break up illegal dinner parties?” ... ic-england


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Re: UK News, Updates and Discussion

Post by Doc67 »

Brexit talks on brink as UK rejects EU call to drop law-breaking plan

This Brexit brinkmanship is getting very ugly. You have to wonder if HMG is serious about walking away or it is all part of a huge game of chicken. There is much concern on the backbenches and even the brexiteers are troubled by what is going on.

The £ has lost nearly 7 cents against the $, the markets clearly thought that a deal was likely and the £ had been climbing steadily. Now it looks very shaky indeed.

The Brexit talks appear to be on the point of collapse after Britain flatly rejected an EU ultimatum over the government’s plans to break international law by reneging on key parts of the withdrawal agreement.

The clash on Thursday followed an EU demand that Boris Johnson drop his plans within three weeks or face financial or trade sanctions, after the bloc’s lawyers concluded that Britain had already breached the withdrawal agreement by tabling the controversial internal market bill.

In a hard-hitting statement following a meeting with Michael Gove in London, the European commission vice-president Maroš Šefčovič had put the prime minister on notice that he needed to regain Brussels’ trust. He also raised the prospect of both a collapse in the ongoing trade and security talks and a legal battle with the bloc. ... exit-talks
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Re: UK News, Updates and Discussion

Post by God'sGift »

Phnom Poon wrote: Wed Sep 09, 2020 2:32 pm [
i don't get why denialists still don't get it
I'm not a fan of lockdowns, but the logic is quit clear, the end result will not be the same

just like delaying an oncoming army by funneling them through a narrow passage
you are not overwhelmed, and you buy time to improve your methods

there was a study recently showing conclusively that vitamin D all but eliminated the need for ICU (and by extension, death) from covid
i think it will become an inconvenient, but manageable disease, long before there is a vaccine
I guess you haven't been following the situation in Sweden then. NO lockdown, yet a lower rate of deaths than the hysterical, decadent UK. Go figure.
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Re: UK News, Updates and Discussion

Post by God'sGift »

Doc67: Covid marshalls? - sounds great - unpaid voluntary work, would be cool to do in inner-city London, gang estates. Think I'll tell a bunch of 7 hoodies to move on, and if not, I'll call the cops on them! Well, I hope that will mean I'll still be able to get my benefits.
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Re: UK News, Updates and Discussion

Post by CEOCambodiaNews »

Coronavirus cases in England doubling every eight days, study shows
Research finds evidence of accelerating spread at end of August and start of September
Nicola Davis
Fri 11 Sep 2020 13.30 BST

Cases of coronavirus in England are doubling every seven to eight days, research has revealed in the latest figures to show a resurgence of Covid-19.

The study, known as React-1, is a population surveillance study that began in May and uses swabs from about 120,000 to 160,000 randomly selected people in England across 315 local authority areas each month to track the spread of coronavirus using PCR analysis – the “have you got it now” test.

“The prevalence of the virus in the population is increasing. We found evidence that it has been accelerating at the end of August and beginning of September,” said Steven Riley, professor of infectious disease dynamics at Imperial College London and a co-author of the work.

The findings came as, elsewhere, the latest R figure for the UK was reported to be between 1.0 and 1.2, with the number of new infections somewhere between shrinking by 1% and growing by 3% every day.

Previous rounds of the study revealed a falling prevalence of Covid-19, even as lockdown restrictions were eased: according to data for the period 19 June to 8 July, the prevalence of Covid in the general population was low, and halving every eight to nine days.

However, the results from the fourth round of the survey suggest that is no longer the case. While the latest findings from the React study have yet to be peer-reviewed, researchers say swabs collected between 22 August and 7 September from more than 150,000 people revealed 136 positive tests, suggesting 13 people per 10,000 in the general population had Covid-19.

Although the prevalence is still far lower than it was in March and April, the team note it is higher than measured by the survey between 19 June and 8 July and between 24 July and 11 August.

The results reveal cases are rising in almost all regions, but it is more pronounced in some areas than others, with Yorkshire and the Humber, the north-west and north-east showing the highest prevalence of Covid-19.
Full article: ... tudy-shows
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Re: UK News, Updates and Discussion

Post by Doc67 »

God'sGift wrote: Fri Sep 11, 2020 2:11 pm Doc67: Covid marshalls? - sounds great - unpaid voluntary work, would be cool to do in inner-city London, gang estates. Think I'll tell a bunch of 7 hoodies to move on, and if not, I'll call the cops on them! Well, I hope that will mean I'll still be able to get my benefits.
Hey, that sounds like a great idea for a reality TV show. "Covid Marshalls on Patrol - saving lives - getting punched."

I hear that the responsibility for these marshalls is being laid at the door of local councils, and they have no money or desire to further damage their already pitiful reputation. If you think that traffic wardens are unpopular, wait until the Covid Marshalls start dishing out £100 fines!
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Re: UK News, Updates and Discussion

Post by monomial »

Doc67 wrote: Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:37 am Brexit talks on brink as UK rejects EU call to drop law-breaking plan

This Brexit brinkmanship is getting very ugly. You have to wonder if HMG is serious about walking away or it is all part of a huge game of chicken. There is much concern on the backbenches and even the brexiteers are troubled by what is going on.

The £ has lost nearly 7 cents against the $, the markets clearly thought that a deal was likely and the £ had been climbing steadily. Now it looks very shaky indeed.

The Brexit talks appear to be on the point of collapse after Britain flatly rejected an EU ultimatum over the government’s plans to break international law by reneging on key parts of the withdrawal agreement.

The clash on Thursday followed an EU demand that Boris Johnson drop his plans within three weeks or face financial or trade sanctions, after the bloc’s lawyers concluded that Britain had already breached the withdrawal agreement by tabling the controversial internal market bill.

In a hard-hitting statement following a meeting with Michael Gove in London, the European commission vice-president Maroš Šefčovič had put the prime minister on notice that he needed to regain Brussels’ trust. He also raised the prospect of both a collapse in the ongoing trade and security talks and a legal battle with the bloc. ... exit-talks
As someone with very few GBP denominated assets I think it is interesting to watch this play out. You can finally see the negotiating strategy of both sides. The EU was convinced from the beginning that the loss of Northern Ireland would be too great a price to pay for deviation from the will of the EU, and therefore would make the UK pliable in the end. The UK, for its part, never wanted to accept the Northern Ireland protocol, and only did so because there was no other way to get a deal that parliament had legally required.

In essence, both sides simply kicked the can down the road and things are finally reaching a point where they are going to butt heads. This has always been a very acrimonious divorce. But just like most divorces, over time the parties will reconcile for the good of the children. But this is the period when really nasty things are about to happen, and I would expect the currency is going to be very volatile over the short term. Short term stability I believe will be guaranteed by an EU win here, but long term value will likely be better under a UK win.

The last time this brinkmanship happened, the EU managed to influence British parliament to cut Boris off at the knees and force him to accept EU demands. You'll remember he threated to break the law then too, but in that case it was the law of the UK, and there were courts with genuine authority to punish him. The resolution of this round of fighting I think comes down to the same thing. I really don't think there is a happy medium here, which is why this showdown keeps getting delayed rather than resolved. The difference is, in this case if Boris ignores the law, it isn't clear that there is any court who can do anything about it. It is more a fuzzy world of public opinion, and that kind of indignation fades over time as business triumphs over ideologies.

I know most expect that Boris is bluffing, that he will concede in the end due to internal pressure just as before, and stability will be achieved. I'm not so sure. I think many politicians saw what happened to those who ignored the public demands previously, and they are going to be less willing to go out on a limb for the status quo. I think talks really might collapse, and under those circumstances I doubt UK parliament is going to be willing to throw Northern Ireland under the bus. The blowback from that might be politically unacceptable, given that they could have prevented it. I think this new bill might very well pass, possibly modified but still in a form that allows Boris the win.

I have no idea what the Pound is going to do if that happens, and I don't believe anyone else does either. Could be a wild ride. Worth a gamble to those of us whose lives don't depend on it.
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