Indian company launching "world's longest bus trip' that travels to 22 countries over 56 days. A ticket costs $24,350.

Yeah, that place out 'there'. Anything not really Cambodia related should go here.
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Indian company launching "world's longest bus trip' that travels to 22 countries over 56 days. A ticket costs $24,350.

Post by Kung-fu Hillbilly »


by Brittany Chang
Apr 4, 2023,

In August, India-based Adventures Overland's luxury bus will embark on a 56-day road trip across 22 countries and nearly 7,460 miles.

Along the way, travelers will pass through 22 countries and nearly 7,460 miles. Half of the seats — each costing $24,350 — are already booked, the company's founder told Insider.

The 56-day journey will start in early August in Istanbul. From there, the bus and its passengers will pass through five time zones and cities like Sofia, Bulgaria; Ljubljana, Slovenia; Krakow, Poland; and Copenhagen, Denmark before arriving in London.

Throughout this journey, travelers will get to experience the northern lights in Norway, the Santa Claus Village amusement park in Finland, and a ride on a ferry across the Gulf of Finland.


To facilitate this long-haul trip, Adventures Overland will deploy a luxury 30-seater bus. Four to five of these seats will be reserved for crew. The seats — organized in a two-by-one configuration — will have typical long-haul bus amenities like USB outlets and folding trays.

Besides a seat on the bus, hotels, meals, and snacks will be included in the cost of the trip. Yes, there's also a bathroom. But don't expect anything too glamorous — it is a bus after all.

Full. ... ngapore-17
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Re: Indian company launching "world's longest bus trip' that travels to 22 countries over 56 days. A ticket costs $24,35

Post by Spigzy »

Meum est propositum in taberna mori,
ut sint Guinness proxima morientis ori.
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Re: Indian company launching "world's longest bus trip' that travels to 22 countries over 56 days. A ticket costs $24,35

Post by Bongmab69 »

Hhaha, yes ofcourse thats the longest walk, in theory, passing syria whats impossible at the moment. SYR-TUR border is closed. When i drove half a year ago to Phnom Penh from my hometown in Belgium, it was in theory less then 15000 km, but the counter was on 18000 when i arrived. ooh yes, the Indian bus would have trouble ofcourse to cross the border to Pakistan, they get linched before arrivng in lahore citycentre i think. Some years ago some Indian guys drove from London to Pune in a brandnew mercedes, but passing russia and china, nepal . . .
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Re: Indian company launching "world's longest bus trip' that travels to 22 countries over 56 days. A ticket costs $24,35

Post by Jerry Atrick »

Kung-fu Hillbilly wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 2:54 pm Image

by Brittany Chang
Apr 4, 2023,

In August, India-based Adventures Overland's luxury bus will embark on a 56-day road trip across 22 countries and nearly 7,460 miles.

Along the way, travelers will pass through 22 countries and nearly 7,460 miles. Half of the seats — each costing $24,350 — are already booked, the company's founder told Insider.

The 56-day journey will start in early August in Istanbul. From there, the bus and its passengers will pass through five time zones and cities like Sofia, Bulgaria; Ljubljana, Slovenia; Krakow, Poland; and Copenhagen, Denmark before arriving in London.

Throughout this journey, travelers will get to experience the northern lights in Norway, the Santa Claus Village amusement park in Finland, and a ride on a ferry across the Gulf of Finland.


To facilitate this long-haul trip, Adventures Overland will deploy a luxury 30-seater bus. Four to five of these seats will be reserved for crew. The seats — organized in a two-by-one configuration — will have typical long-haul bus amenities like USB outlets and folding trays.

Besides a seat on the bus, hotels, meals, and snacks will be included in the cost of the trip. Yes, there's also a bathroom. But don't expect anything too glamorous — it is a bus after all.

Full. ... ngapore-17
24k and 56 days...

Hard pass. I could travel for a year on those funds
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Re: Indian company launching "world's longest bus trip' that travels to 22 countries over 56 days. A ticket costs $24,35

Post by Alex »

I think here's their problem: Those who are young and/or crazy enough to do it don't have the money. Those who have the money have grown out of doing long bus rides.

I can still enjoy the occasional 8-hour bus trip, but that's about my limit these days and it rarely happens.
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Re: Indian company launching "world's longest bus trip' that travels to 22 countries over 56 days. A ticket costs $24,35

Post by Darkcel »

Imagine being on a bus with mostly indian guys for 56 days
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Re: Indian company launching "world's longest bus trip' that travels to 22 countries over 56 days. A ticket costs $24,35

Post by daiquiri »

Haha almost 500$ a day? Europe is expensive, yes .... but that's what Germany is paying as social security per MONTH. (Without rent). I am sure many elderly have to live with a comparable pension per month. I guess folks who did the hippie trail from eu to India in the seventies could afford a decade traveling with that sum lol.

The cities really don't sound that exciting to me too - might be because I'm European, but actually to me they also sound like the cheapest route possible lol

And then just imagine every day with the same fucking assholes in this shitty bus, same hotel as them, same meals with them... no individual traveling, always bound to a strict schedule...

Sounds like an awful rip off horror trip to me, but you do you!
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Re: Indian company launching "world's longest bus trip' that travels to 22 countries over 56 days. A ticket costs $24,35

Post by Captain Bonez »

Here comes Phuket Dick with his same old shitty stories that no one asks for...
If you enjoy noise pollution and obnoxious driving practices, Phnom Penh is the place for you!

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Re: Indian company launching "world's longest bus trip' that travels to 22 countries over 56 days. A ticket costs $24,35

Post by mikeukt »

Bring back The Magic Bus!
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Re: Indian company launching "world's longest bus trip' that travels to 22 countries over 56 days. A ticket costs $24,35

Post by truffledog »

mikeukt wrote: Wed Apr 05, 2023 9:40 pm Bring back The Magic Bus!
Throw out 28 seats and install a bed with a small kitchen. Take your time. Enjoy the trip.
work is for people who cant find truffles
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