Former tycoon Heng Sithy arrested at Russian border after Interpol ‘red notice’

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Former tycoon Heng Sithy arrested at Russian border after Interpol ‘red notice’

Post by Bluejeanbaby »

Former tycoon Heng Sithy arrested at Russian border after Interpol ‘red notice’

Former tycoon Heng Sethy has been arrested at the Russian border and will be flown back to Cambodia to continue legal proceedings, according to a senior Cambodian National Police official.

The news came through late last night.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation recently sent a letter to all Cambodian embassies abroad informing them of the cancellation of the passport of former tycoon Heng Sethy, while Cambodian authorities have collaborated with Interpol to place the former tycoon on a the Red Notice for arrest.

Former Tycoon Heng had previously filed a complaint with the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU), accusing three senior government officials of corruption.

However, the Interior Ministry rejected the allegations and urged him to stop spreading unfounded statements.

Sithy , who is based overseas, accused Sokha of engaging in corruption and Gen Thet of accepting a $5-million bribe from a major online crime leader named Phoo Gik Seng, also known as Tak, in exchange for ensuring that the location of premises involved in illegal online activities, such as human trafficking and forced labour, were not searched or investigated.

Khmer Times
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