Pedestrianizing Phnom Penh Riverside

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Re: Pedestrianizing Phnom Penh Riverside

Post by Doc67 »

John Bingham wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 6:00 pm
BTW, ask any Khmer what they think of the idea that people from outside of the area will happily park their car in a lot and walk 100 meters or so to their restaurant. Stand well back if they are eating at the time.
Yes, this was what I meant when I commented "What about parking?" earlier. If they can't park directly outside on the road or pavement they won't go to the place.
Bad news for Oskar, Metro and that Jap place that looks like a fancy car site in the evening.
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Re: Pedestrianizing Phnom Penh Riverside

Post by armchairlawyer »

Doc67 wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 3:58 pm
John Bingham wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 6:00 pm
BTW, ask any Khmer what they think of the idea that people from outside of the area will happily park their car in a lot and walk 100 meters or so to their restaurant. Stand well back if they are eating at the time.
Yes, this was what I meant when I commented "What about parking?" earlier. If they can't park directly outside on the road or pavement they won't go to the place.
Bad news for Oskar, Metro and that Jap place that looks like a fancy car site in the evening.
You are not thinking this through Doc. Imagine the ADDITIONAL cachet you acquire by being waved though the gates at the perimeter of the new pedestrianised area and still parking your new Raptor right outside the restaurant.
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Re: Pedestrianizing Phnom Penh Riverside

Post by Bongmab69 »

They did last waterfestival (november??) something similar, The Quays where pedestrian and 13 street was the limit from the zone, but 13 was open, all the streets east from 13 where blocked, but you could get through without any problem, what ofcourse all the motobikes did, then at the crossing with 5th there was a policeman with a chain stopping all the bikes, worked fine. The next open street going north was 110 and south i dont know (probably 184). As 110 was open and a real bottleneck, coming all the moto-traffic from south merging with all the pedestrians at the 110xQuay crossroads, including trafficlights. A disaster all day, and later i spoke with one of the Larrys-cashiers, they had one of the best days ever !! Everybody passing in front of them !! The useal expat-bars on the Quay where emptyer hen useal (checked myself) !!
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Re: Pedestrianizing Phnom Penh Riverside

Post by Doc67 »

armchairlawyer wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 5:36 pm
Doc67 wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 3:58 pm
John Bingham wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 6:00 pm
BTW, ask any Khmer what they think of the idea that people from outside of the area will happily park their car in a lot and walk 100 meters or so to their restaurant. Stand well back if they are eating at the time.
Yes, this was what I meant when I commented "What about parking?" earlier. If they can't park directly outside on the road or pavement they won't go to the place.
Bad news for Oskar, Metro and that Jap place that looks like a fancy car site in the evening.
You are not thinking this through Doc. Imagine the ADDITIONAL cachet you acquire by being waved though the gates at the perimeter of the new pedestrianised area and still parking your new Raptor right outside the restaurant.
Of course - brilliant! And they can monetise it too - Metro can add a $10 "VIP Access Fee" on their bill and give it the ++ treatment as well. The gatekeepers can collect their $2 per car cut at the end of the evening.
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Re: Pedestrianizing Phnom Penh Riverside

Post by Tootsfriend »

Just like a dream or faded memory from 2008 Cambodia Daily newspaper

Turn the page, there could be a different story on the other side.
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Re: Pedestrianizing Phnom Penh Riverside

Post by canucklhead »

finn wrote: Fri May 03, 2024 9:17 am
Doc67 wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 2:07 pm
rogerrabbit wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 1:07 pm
Doc67 wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:28 am @rogerrabbit

Can you confirm that streets 13 and Sisowath quay remain active all the time, and the only north/south streets affected are 5 and 3?
My understanding is that the street 13 and Sisowath quay both are closed from traffic as well. But I'm not sure about it. I have only seen these two maps and couple news article about this so the details are not completely clear.
I can see the closure of 3 and 5 being easy to work around, and the east/west streets being closed off for those 2 blocks a good thing for the neighbourhood. But to block north/south access on SQ and 13 will send streets 15, 19 and Norodom into a tailspin.

Interesting times...
St 19 is already gridlocked twice a day even when cars are not double parked 😀
but the bridge post and the pedestrian post are contradictory - st 110 is only two lanes - how can it be on-ramp to such a big bridge and connect to Monivong?
Also what about the rumors of girlie bar district moving south of St 51 - does that dovetail into the two proposals mentioned or is just a rumor?
South of st.51? Basically 51 runs north south so dont know what u mean.
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Re: Pedestrianizing Phnom Penh Riverside

Post by canucklhead »

Tootsfriend wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 7:28 pm East: Sisowath Quay (designed as the Pop Street area).

Looks like some streets are being downgraded from a '' bang '' street to a '' pop'' street.
Ya whats a " pop street"?
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Re: Pedestrianizing Phnom Penh Riverside

Post by rogerrabbit »

Itchy Feet did a video of the area
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Walking street Phnon Penh

Post by phuketrichard »

why has nobody mentioned this ??

Walking Street to Open in Phnom Penh at the End of January

A pedestrian-only zone will be operational along the riverside from Friday to Sunday, as part of wider plans to transform the area into an attractive tourist destination

Representative Photo: An aerial view of people walking and enjoying activities near the Royal Palace during the Water Festival on November 15, 2024. The area is part of the designated zone for the Phnom Penh Pedestrian Street Project. Kiripost via Phnom Penh administration’s Facebook page
Phnom Penh plans to open a walking street along the riverfront at the end of January 2025, where small local businesses expect to earn more from tourists but have requested the government to prepare a proper space for them.

Phnom Penh Governor Khuong Sreng told Kiripost on January 6, 2025 that the governor plans to open a Phnom Penh Pedestrian Street Project, or walking street, along the riverfront, stretching from the Post Office to the Royal Palace, at the end of January 2025.

Part of the project aims to transform the area into a tourist destination. The 57-hectare project will include food and shopping areas, a cultural and creative zone, green spaces, and will be open exclusively for pedestrians from Friday to Sunday, between 6pm and 11pm.


“We are not ready yet, we are just working for people to get into the habit of walking and closing the traffic to prevent cars from entering the area,” he said, explaining that around the area all transportation will be blocked, including bicycles and cyclos.

Image ... of-january
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Re: Walking street Phnon Penh

Post by hanno »

phuketrichard wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2025 1:47 pm why has nobody mentioned this ??

Walking Street to Open in Phnom Penh at the End of January
Pretty sure it was mentioned.
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