Another scam related death in Poipet

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Another scam related death in Poipet

Post by Bluejeanbaby » ... o-scammers

A clip of a suspected Thai national plummeting to his death from an 18-storey building in the Cambodian border town of Poipet due to the stress of working for a call centre gang has outraged netizens who are demanding more action be taken on the issue.

The CCTV camera footage was shared yesterday by the Drama-addict and "Kor Kae Khon Thammada" Facebook pages. It showed a man falling from the building at around 11pm on Wednesday.
The CCTV camera footage was shared yesterday by the Drama-addict and "Kor Kae Khon Thammada" Facebook pages. It showed a man falling from the building at around 11pm on Wednesday.

The man is believed to have been making his escape before he fell from the 14th floor. His body landed on a car parked in front of the building. He died instantly.

An unnamed source claims there were at least two corpses near the car, according to the two Facebook pages.

While some fantasize to be in Cambodia others are dying to get out
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