17 year old factory "worker" first road victim of 2025

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17 year old factory "worker" first road victim of 2025

Post by aseriesoftubes »

Source: https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501617992/ ... into-2025/
A young factory worker was Phnom Penh’s first road traffic victim of 2025 – killed just 50 minutes into 2025.

At 12:50 am on January 1, 2025, a man riding a Honda Dream motorcycle crashed into a Toyota Prius from behind, causing him to suffer a broken neck and die instantly at the scene, near the entrance to Wat Prek Thleung along National Road 2 in Sangkat Prek Kampus, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh.
According to sources at the scene, before the incident, the victim was seen riding a black Honda Dream motorcycle. traveling along National Road 2 from west to east at high speed.

When he arrived at the scene, he suddenly collided with a 2010 Toyota Prius which was driving slowly, right behind the vehicle, causing the victim to fall and break his neck, dying instantly at the scene.
Now for the interesting part - do you think the following passage is intentional or not?
The driver of the car, who sustained damage to the rear end, then fled the scene in another car.
"That's gotta hurt..." :facepalm:

I wish you all a SAFE New Year: don't drive too fast, don't drive too slow, just do your best to maintain the speed limit and respect the driving conditions! :evil:
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