Eat much you fat bastards? Poll.

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How much money do you spend on food a week?

1. Less than $50
2. $50-$100
3. $100-$150
4. $150-$200
5. $200-$300
No votes
6. $300-$400
7. $500+
Total votes: 38
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Eat much you fat bastards? Poll.

Post by Kung-fu Hillbilly »

I’m an unashamed cheap Charlie when living in Southeast Asia with street food and the occasional lash out on a fried breakfast rarely costing me much more than $40 a week.

Now, I know some of you are ballers, others are family men, others who enjoy a good pub meal daily, some living in rural areas, and then those equally as frugal as myself so the range of expenditure on this living cost will vary greatly.

Play, don’t play…pfft.

How much are you spending on food a week?
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Re: Eat much you fat bastards? Poll.

Post by hanno »

Considering that I eat out most days, I guess I am somewhere in the $300 - $400 range.
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Re: Eat much you fat bastards? Poll.

Post by Bongmab69 »

I am between 100 and 150 a week counting grosseries if making it home myself and eating out together. Surprisingly there is not really big difference between the 3 countries i stay during the year, CAM, BEL and SPA, ofcourse Belgium is the most expensive and Cambodia the cheapest. The extra costs i probably compensate with eating out less in Belgium, useally twice a week and in CAM i eat out around 5 times a week !!
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Re: Eat much you fat bastards? Poll.

Post by truffledog »

Eating out every day as a NON-resident traveller is easily 500$++/month NOT including beer& cocktails. 5$ for breakfast, on AVERAGE 10$ each for complete lunch and dinner.
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Re: Eat much you fat bastards? Poll.

Post by Kung-fu Hillbilly »

truffledog wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 3:47 pm Eating out every day as a NON-resident traveller is easily 500$++/month NOT including beer& cocktails. 5$ for breakfast, on AVERAGE 10$ each for complete lunch and dinner.
Poll was weekly spend, td.
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Re: Eat much you fat bastards? Poll.

Post by hanno »

Kung-fu Hillbilly wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 3:58 pm
truffledog wrote: Wed Sep 11, 2024 3:47 pm Eating out every day as a NON-resident traveller is easily 500$++/month NOT including beer& cocktails. 5$ for breakfast, on AVERAGE 10$ each for complete lunch and dinner.
Poll was weekly spend, td.
It is per week. Average $10.00 for a meal? Where?
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Re: Eat much you fat bastards? Poll.

Post by Newinkow »

I spend 6 months of the year in KoW with a family of 4.

When I'm in KoW, it's on the high side of 100 to 150. When I'm not it's on the low side. We live in a local neighbourhood in Sin Sok.

We cook at home and rarely go out to eat. We do purchase cooked food from local vendors to eat at home. It's high when I'm there because I do like to cook some western meals.
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Re: Eat much you fat bastards? Poll.

Post by Spigzy »

Family household (2+3 kids), so definitely on the higher side - certainly wouldn't rule out $500+ sometimes, certainly over $300/w. That said, while the wife is a tremendous chef, and I genuinely mean that - Khmer and western food I would give 5/5 in a restaurant & she keeps the bill down. But I do enjoy the finer foods in life & variety, so will easily splurge at a Metro, Samba, the 5-star hotels etc. However, I don't drink much, once a week and no other vices like smoking, vaping, drugs, etc. required.

I'd sooner go zero alcohol & skip breakfast than give up a good steak.
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Re: Eat much you fat bastards? Poll.

Post by PSD-Kiwi »

I have no bloody idea how much I spend on food. When out grocery shopping I buy whatever takes my fancy, if I'm eating in a restaurant I select whatever I feel like...probably not the best way to manage my money, but I don't pay for food for 2 months when I'm away in the desert, so I like to treat myself and eat good food when I'm home.
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Re: Eat much you fat bastards? Poll.

Post by Bluenose »

I know I can go to the local market and buy enough meat and veggies for $5 to make a perfectly acceptable meal for 6 people. Rice is bought by the 50kg sack and works out to around $0.05 a serving.
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