If you had a movie to make....

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Private Nuts
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Re: If you had a movie to make....

Post by Private Nuts »

Oh yeah and it needs a love component, so the bullies girlfriend who's always laughing when the bully throws things at the dog, falls in love with the dog and they make out, no probably couldn't do that due to censorship laws, they embrace in a cuddle!, while the bully is being wheeled off to an ambulance with an icepack on his balls in tears. Scene ends with the dog winking at the camera during the embrace and delivering his signature comedic line "woof woof!".
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Re: If you had a movie to make....

Post by Ghostwriter »

Private Nuts wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 5:07 pm Unwanted homeless dog who is always hanging around at cricket training, gets called up to put on the pads as the 12th man, when the bully, who's always throwing things at the dog for fun, gets hit in the nuts by a fast bowler after forgetting to put his box on. Dog then hits a 6 on the final ball of the game to win the championship and after being thrown in n the air several times by his teammates as the hero he then goes and marks his territory by pissing on the bully cricket bag. The end.
That could work in a golf course, you could have an ending with the dog taking a dump in the 18th hole as well...I wonder which one would attract more customers between the cricket and the golf demographics....
Have you been drugged and forced to watch Air Bud recently ?
Private Nuts
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Re: If you had a movie to make....

Post by Private Nuts »

Oh man, just when you think you've hit a winning idea you find out it's already been done. Looks like a heck of a movie!. I'll add it to my must watch list!.
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