Dead Woman Found Floating on Riverside, Phnom Penh

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Dead Woman Found Floating on Riverside, Phnom Penh

Post by CEOCambodiaNews »

June 18, 2022
Body of elderly woman found in river
Phnom Penh residents were shocked with the discovery of the body of an elderly woman floating in the river at 8:30 pm on June 17 along Sisowath Quay in Sangkat Chey Chumneas, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh.

Authorities have not yet identified the body, but said that the woman was about 50 years old.

Eyewitnesses said that the victim was first seen sitting along the bank of the river. Later she was discovered by other bystanders, face down in the river. They immediately reported it to the authorities. It was speculated that the woman was blind causing her to fall in the river.

After the local police arrived, they contacted the forensic experts to examine the woman’s body. After the examination, the competent authorities have not yet confirmed the cause of death. ... -in-river/
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Re: Dead Woman Found Floating on Riverside, Phnom Penh

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50 years old.
. . . there's someone in my head, but it's not me . . .
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Re: Dead Woman Found Floating on Riverside, Phnom Penh

Post by atst »

Username Taken wrote: Sun Jun 19, 2022 5:24 am Elderly?

50 years old.
The reporter is probably in his/her 20s , :lol:
I'm standing up, so I must be straight.
What's a poor man do when the blues keep following him around.(Smoking Dynamite)
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