Shock Murder-Suicide on Riverside, Phnom Penh

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Shock Murder-Suicide on Riverside, Phnom Penh

Post by CEOCambodiaNews »

Cambodia News, (Phnom Penh): At 11:15 a.m. on September 10, 2021, a male security guard shot and killed his girlfriend with a K59 pistol, and then shot himself, on the corner of Preah Sisowath Quay,in an apartment upstairs from a former entertainment club in Srah Chak, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh.

The assailant was identified as Duch Sophea, a 30-year-old male security guard at the scene, and the victim as 43-year-old Touch Sam Ang, a saleswoman.

The incident took place at midnight on September 10, 2021,when the gunman had an argument with his girlfriend. He shot her before turning the gun on himself. The incident is suspected to have been motivated by the boyfriend's jealousy.
After the incident, local police came down to conduct an autopsy on the two bodies. Then, the authorities handed them over to the families for a traditional funeral.
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The Judge
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Re: Shock Murder-Suicide on Riverside, Phnom Penh

Post by The Judge »

I don't know if I could ever live long enough to understand why a person would commit a murder-suicide. Murder, yes, suicide, yes, but murder-suicide?? What's the point?
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John Bingham
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Re: Shock Murder-Suicide on Riverside, Phnom Penh

Post by John Bingham »

It could be either extreme jealousy where you are going to kill your partner because you can't live without them and want them to die too in case anyone else gets them. Other times someone might have gotten too carried away with anger, killed someone and then quickly realized what they had done, couldn't face jail and loss or prestige and decided they might as well kill themselves too rather than dealing with the coming nightmare? I'm glad I don't ever feel that angry.
Concept of thoughts and prayers.
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John Bingham
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Re: Shock Murder-Suicide on Riverside, Phnom Penh

Post by John Bingham »

Concept of thoughts and prayers.
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Re: Shock Murder-Suicide on Riverside, Phnom Penh

Post by LoukBongThom »

CEOCambodiaNews wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 8:03 pm The assailant was identified as Duch Sophea, a 30-year-old male security guard at the scene, and the victim as 43-year-old Touch Sam Ang, a saleswoman.
The guy is 13 years younger than the girl. Sounds fishy by the age difference alone. Did the girl stop making payroll? (just a question).
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