Yemeni Man Drowned Himself on Riverside, Phnom Penh

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Yemeni Man Drowned Himself on Riverside, Phnom Penh

Post by CEOCambodiaNews »

Cambodia News, (Phnom Penh): The case of a Yemeni man drowning caused a surprise on May 8, 2021 at 1:30 pm on the west bank of the Tonle Sap River, Preah Sisowath Quay, Village 1, Sangkat Chey Chumneas, Khan Daun Penh.
Authorities say the body was identified as AHMED GABRI ALI AL-AZAB a 25-year-old Yemeni tourist. The post mortem examination concluded: "death by drowning by suicide."

According to Yin Sophany, a security guard at Amazon Cafe who was a witness to the scene:" on May 8, 2021, at about 1:15 pm, I was sitting guard in front of Amazon Cafe on Sisowath Quay, when suddenly, a foreigner wearing black trousers and a white long-sleeved shirt, ran along the river for about 3 minutes, then took off his shirt and dived into the river. "

The same security guard continued, " After about 5 minutes, I was suspicious and when I saw the victim face down in the water, I shouted for help. At that time, three children went down into the water to help lift the victim ashore, put him in the garden and help with the rescue operation, but the foreigner was already dead".

The Office of Investigation and Implementation of Immigration Planning Procedures, officials of the Phnom Penh Municipal Health Department and the Phnom Penh Municipal Court established an autopsy committee at the scene. Authorities then pumped 5cc of urine from the body for a drug test, which gave positive results for methamphetamine.

According to the conclusion and evaluation of the tycoon, Dr. Nong Sovanrath, a forensic doctor in Phnom Penh and the competent technical office of the Phnom Penh's forensic science, confirmed that the deceased "died by drowning by suicide."

After the inspection, the technical authority took the body to be kept at Wat Teuk Thla Mortuary, Sangkat Teuk Thla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh. RIP.

[CEO News: This tragic event was signaled yesterday afternoon by a CEO member, who sent photos which were placed in the darknet forum, waiting to identify the body.]
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