Looking for a job

This is our job board for expats. Until ZipRecruiter and Indeed make their way to the Kingdom of Wonder, this is the best place to look for employment in Cambodia, whether you're looking to teach English, manage a 5-star hotel, volunteer, or even work for some of the big NGOs. Even digital nomads who move to Cambodia sometimes need a side gig as a TEFL instructor from time to time. Most professional expatriate jobs are in Phnom Penh, but Siem Reap and Kampot are emerging as attractive alternatives. If you're an employer or hiring manager, you're also welcome to post your job listing here for free.
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Looking for a job

Post by Asteri »


I have 15 years of experience in the restaurant industry (also in the franchise business).
looking to find a job in the management position in the areas of restaurant/hospitality sector.

My Khmer is at the beginner level, but I am keen to learn it.

Thank you,
Are Laev

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