US politics topics and CEO

This is where our community discusses almost anything! While we're mainly a Cambodia expat discussion forum and talk about expat life here, we debate about almost everything. Even if you're a tourist passing through Southeast Asia and want to connect with expatriates living and working in Cambodia, this is the first section of our site that you should check out. Our members start their own discussions or post links to other blogs and/or news articles they find interesting and want to chat about. So join in the fun and start new topics, or feel free to comment on anything our community members have already started! We also have some Khmer members here as well, but English is the main language used on CEO. You're welcome to have a look around, and if you decide you want to participate, you can become a part our international expat community by signing up for a free account.
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Re: US politics topics and CEO

Post by WildAlaskaKen »

Username Taken wrote: Sat Jan 11, 2025 4:51 am
David Gordon wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2025 7:00 pm
so what's the solution
OP posts a question - asking for a solution without mentioning a problem.

That's a problem.

USA politics dominates discussions all over the world and at times, much more than others. And these are the times.

I really enjoy reading the political discussions on an international expats forum where you can get the vibe of so many people of diverse nationalities.

I think most complainers on here love to hate stuff - just because. But if it bothers them enough - they dont have to be here at all. And you would lose a lot less people if you do nothing, than if you over control for everything because then it will just be a watered down highly controlled lame milque·toast experience.
David, you know very well what the problem was.
[Readers please note that the OP in this thread was originally part of the thread mentioned below as "My original post".]

My original post was with regards a personal attack against a member by another member whose main interest appears to be nothing but international politics. The trolling member joined the forum only 3 months ago and now has an impressive posting history on political threads.

The problem is that over the years we get new members who have zero affiliation with Cambodia, have never been to Cambodia, and probably couldn't find Cambodia on a world map, join CEO just to troll on political threads. Take the time to pull up some of those threads from yesteryear and you will see the same names posting, but no history of posts related to Cambodia.


When I posted the second post, which you have partly quoted, the post was partly tongue-in-cheek to make the point that if discussion of US politics was to be banned or hidden, then the potential new members who are looking for new political trolling grounds might be detered.
I was surprised by the comments of support in the Karma/Thumbs up. There was only one negative comment.

What disappointed me most in all of this was the way in which the focus of my original post was totally lost in favor of a discussion about potential forum censorship. In the end, we still have a member of 10 year standing being trolled by a new member with slurs like 'homosexual pedophile'.
Or is name calling and personal attacks ok now?
I don't see how pointing out that a member has a homosexual pedophile as an avatar is name calling or a personal attack.
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Re: Trump considers economic force to aquire Canada, military force to aquire Panama and Greenland

Post by Clutch Cargo »

phuketrichard wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2025 7:57 pm
Clutch Cargo wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2025 5:51 pm
Username Taken wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2025 12:08 pm
Clutch Cargo wrote: Fri Jan 10, 2025 10:53 am If a separate section is created with personal opt-in, would those topics and posts still appear on the top of 'New posts' and 'Recent posts'? I gather many members may sit on these or view these firstly before going into the sub-topics. So it's sort of in your face there.

Is there any merit in creating new subtopics along the lines of:

New posts- Cambodia
New posts- Other

Recent posts- Cambodia
Recent posts- Other

NB Cambodia on the top and possible no need then to create a separate section with separate opt-in?
It would be the same as when someone joins the Darknet. New posts would show mixed in with everything else for you but those who aren't members of the Darknet don't see those threads.
Thinking more about it, I don't think a Darknet style solution is the answer for non-Cambodian/US topics. Coz whether you have opted in or not, those topics will still show mixed in with new posts and recent topics and as has been the case lately, they will show up on top. That falsely implies the forum is more about topics other than Cambodia. With a Darknet solution whether you can readily get in to view the topic or not, the topic heading still sits there at the head of the queue visa vie Cambodian ones.

I think if the objective is to redress the situation where CEO is seemingly becoming a more US or other centric one, then, I believe we need to put Cambodian topics ahead of all the others whether or not there is more discussion in the former. Hence my suggestion above. No opt in or out. No hiding it in Darknet. Just put the Cambodian topics first, other topics second imo.
when i open CEO:
it opens at "New Posts"

and its New posts by date.... latest is top
simple enough to see what section the thread is in
currently ( for me) 12 new Posts> Not 1 is "rest of world" #13 is

It aint broke
dont fix it. :beer3:
Here's a little job for you. How about you monitor the stats for each day over the year so that members and mods are then properly informed as to what happens in the longer term rather than a snapshot of just 1 day. And it might not have occurred to you that since this discussion took place, members may have refrained somewhat from piling into those topics.
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Re: US politics topics and CEO

Post by Kammekor »

For me, a foreigner who's been living in Cambodia for quite a while, these threads about US politics have become too dominant on this forum. I check in less than I used to
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Re: US politics topics and CEO

Post by IraHayes »

I have posted this already but I will post once more.

Make an opt-in section the same as the darknet.
Set the bar for joining this section low.
Monitor socks with a zero tolerance approach
Have it for all geopolitical threads.
Clamp down hard on any politics posts that are posted in any thread outside of this opt-in section.

You won't please everyone but you aren't pleasing everyone as it stands but at least those who are fed up of political threads won't have to read them.
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Re: US politics topics and CEO

Post by GMJS-CEO »

Don’t create an opt in. Just pin the top 5 politics threads to the top of the forum, they get the most activity.
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Re: US politics topics and CEO

Post by scott61 »

My view is that we shouldn't make changes, I enjoy the cut and thrust of discussion. We shouldn't take it too seriously however, we are not going to change the world - or each others opinions.

We should remember that in mature discussion we should be open to revealing the truth, not winning the argument. It is a stage of development I've striven for but never reached. It's hard to be unemotional, flexible and willing to accept the complexities and interpretations of reality. We all need to understand other viewpoints, assimilate them and not search for confirmation bias.
Welcome to social media. You will be contacted shortly by someone who doesn't understand humour.
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Re: US politics topics and CEO

Post by total nutter »

The owners have the right to post whatever they want, but I do think more local content would be better.

Keep US politics in the rest of the world sub forum.

I personally don't read so much of the US threads anymore, life is short.

However, I do think that some mods abuse their power when uncomfortable truths about the US are aired with vague reasons given, 'stay on topic' etc.

However, it's their forum, just don't be surprised when people stop commenting on threads if comments are going to be censored by Donald.
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Re: US politics topics and CEO

Post by khmerhamster »

Now this thread is boring me.

Maybe I'm just easily bored.
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Re: US politics topics and CEO

Post by willyhilly »

Look on the bright side for the fire victims. Thanks to Trump they can go and live in Greenland, Panama or as a last resort Canada.
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Re: US politics topics and CEO

Post by IraHayes »

willyhilly wrote: Sun Jan 12, 2025 5:46 am Look on the bright side for the fire victims. Thanks to Trump they can go and live in Greenland, Panama or as a last resort Canada.
And here we have a perfect example of a pretty decent poster who has fallen into the trap of posting an OT post about a specific event, ie trump and wild fires blah blah blah, into a discussion about what to do with ALL political topics.
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